

So many things I have heard about God, all taken from His Word. But I learned that, the best way to know someone is not just reading his biography. It is living with that person.

Companionship – this word has a number of situations and experiences. It points to give attention, to remain in a second place to allow the other go to the first. It also implies a wish to please, to respect and be respected.

COMPANIONSHIP - LIVING-WITH .... and how difficult it is. It is very difficult to live with someone, even with our own children, family and brothers. It even seems that the more closer, the harder it gets. It is usually said that the person who can hurt us the most is the one we love the most. Why? I think it's because, actually, we are not living-with this person, but wanting that person to live-with us, live for us, to please us.

And then we find ourselves in a spiral of expectations to get our happiness. But this spiral is not like a hurricane, which is formed in the highest, that strong wind, which comes down and gets everything up. What reminds me God and the strong wind of the Spirit, however kind, which comes from above, comes to us, acting on us, working in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure, leading us to His presence. When that expectation comes from us, comes from our ego, it works as a wind that only spreads. And anyone, in a relationship like that is like a boat ready to sink, because both want to receive, but not to give.

So, it is no longer living-with, but living-without, for you look the the other and say: ' I have nothing to give you, because you did not give me first', and the other also says: ' oops, me neither...' What a dillema, what to do?

But how is the companionship with God like?

Here are some biblical truths:

• The man sinned and separated himself ....... God created the LIVING-WITH, man created the LIVING-WITHOUT;
• Who first gave Him?
• Who first loved?
• Who first offered his life?

None of us never gave God nothing first so that He would give us something in return, He is a giver God. He looked at the fallen world, at you and I, who had totally turned our backs to Him, and even so, He wanted to love us, chose to love us, keep this word - CHOICE. God was not obliged to do anything for us just because He had created us, man chose to abandon Him. The 'choice' of God in not just leaving the man without a 'choice', providing him a way back to the companionship was something generated within Him, motiveted by His love. No one, no human ever proposed to Him: "yeah, do it and You will have a tremendous Kingdom in the earth."

And He chose to come like a man, LIVING-WITH men, coming through everything we already know and giving Himself on the cross. He chose this way, just to have us back.

Returning to the beginning (since companionship among people is another discussion), it is true, I have heard a lot about God, even in the so called and known religious institutions. But, unfortunately, on many occasions, it was introduced to me an angry God, get ready to consume us because of our human fragility, a God of bargain, a God who is also looking to get first and then give back, while He has already given everything first, so much that now we have a supply of good things to give Him, such as our love, devotion, care,and so, by giving to Him and receiving from Him we have an unending circle, an alliance, blessed Alliance.

God corrects us, discipline us, yes He does, and how good it is because we feel like His children and not bastards, but His Word tells us that the He disciplines us with love, not angry. Jesus has already spared us for this anger by His death, His blood and His resurrection. He is our defence lawyer!

Dear one, if you feel today like you cannot LIVE-WITH God, two things may be the reason: either the circumstances of your life, through the eyes of men, reflects a picture of defeat, like a diagnosis that there is something wrong with you, and therefore God can not accept it, and you believe it, or perhaps because you are not being able to live a life where things from above, from God are more valuable. So I say to you: God loves you, you may call Him Daddy!!!!, even to tell Him something you should not have done. He will never receive you with whips. The whips fell on Jesus! The debt has been paid! He will receive you with open arms, wanting to take you into His arms and take care of you.

Do you wanna see the way that God loves you? To God, even being mature in faith, we are always His babies, for our total dependence on Him.

ABBA FATHER!!!!!!!!! DADDY!!!!!!!!!!

God spends His day with us, and has food for our souls, His Word, and likes to feed us, as we were His babies...

He also gives us 'water', when we are thirsty........
Then, after feeding us and having the certainty that we are really satisfied.....
There comes the moment He will wash us...well, if we did anything not so good, you know...like babies do...He 'removes'...

With His blood He cleanses us....
and then, when we are tired, He calms us down..., first holding us in His arms with much love and patience

and also whispering sweet words in our ears, like 'shhh, fear not, everything is gonna be just fine, Daddy is here', or even singing, to make us remind, 'God is faithful, He is faithful, above all the things I know, that my God is faithful...'

because, in truth, what He wants the most, is to see us happy!!!

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,to give you hope in your latter end." Jeremiah 29:11